Efendim Privacy Policy

Efendim values and respects the privacy of the people we deal with. Efendim is committed to protecting your privacy and complying with the Privacy Act of (1988) (Cth) (Privacy Act) and other applicable privacy laws and regulations that are observed within Germany. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information, and how we maintain the quality and security of your personal information.


“Personal information” means any information or opinion, whether true or not and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. In general terms, this includes information or an opinion that personally identifies you either directly or indirectly.


The personal information we collect about you depends on the nature of your dealings with us or what you choose to share with us. The personal information we collect about you may include:

If we collect your sensitive information, we will do so only with your consent, if it is necessary to prevent a serious and imminent threat to life or health, or as otherwise required or authorized by law, and we take appropriate measures to protect the security of this information. You do not have to provide us with your personal information. Where possible, we will give you the option to interact with us anonymously or by using a pseudonym. However, if you choose to deal with us in this way or choose not to provide us with your personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our services or otherwise interact with you.


We collect your personal information directly from you when you:

We may also collect your personal information from third parties or through publicly available sources. We collect your personal information from these third parties so that we can take whatever feedback we can and try to better our performance in doing better for the next time you choose to order from us again.


We use personal information for many purposes in connection with our functions and activities, including the following purposes:

How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?

Efendim will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information that we hold about you is kept confidential and secure, including by:

Our Cookie Policy

Once you agree to allow our website to use cookies, you also agree to use the data it collects regarding your online behavior, the data we collect by using cookies is used to customize our website to your needs. After we use the data for statistical analysis, the data is completely removed from our systems.

Please note that cookies don't allow us to gain control of your computer in any way. They are strictly used to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not so that we can provide a better experience for you. Please refer to our cookie policy for more information.

If you want to disable cookies, you can do it by accessing the settings of your internet browser.

Restricting the Collection of Your Personal Data

At some point, you might wish to restrict the use and collection of your personal data. You can achieve this by doing the following:

Efendim will not lease, sell or distribute your personal information to any third parties, unless we have your permission. We might do so if the law forces us. Your personal information will be used when we need to send you promotional materials if you agree to this privacy policy.

Retention of Personal Information

Efendim will not keep your personal information for longer than we need to. In most cases, this means that we will only retain your personal information for the duration of your relationship with us unless we are required to retain your personal information to comply with applicable laws, for example record-keeping obligations.

Inquiries and Complaints

For any kind of complaints about how Efendim handles, processes or manages your personal information, please contact us through the proper channels provided for below. Please note that we may require proof of your identity and the full details of your request before we can process your complaint.

Please allow up to [insert] days for Efendim to respond to your complaint. It will not always be possible to resolve a complaint to everyone’s satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with Efendim response to a complaint please submit a complaint to our representatives and we shall take note of all your feedback.


When adding a new advertisement, it will not appear within the application until after reviewing the advertisement by a specialized team and approving it, and any user who abuses the application will be banned

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding our use of cookies, please feel free to contact us and through our our proper channels in the “contact us” option of the Efendim website.